How to make your own cleaning supplies

homemade cleaning supplies


So my friend Haley and I had a chance to share some of our absolute favorite ways to recycle, DIY
and upcycle our way around our homes with a wonderful group of women.  We have a MOMS group
that is a co-op designed to support, uplift and encourage mothers in a comfortable setting.  We take
turns cooking, and working in the child care area so everyone in our group has a chance to get a
break, not share their food with a 2 year old.  And take away something they can use.

We were really hoping the ladies would enjoy what we had to share that day, and boy did they.
Haley talked about all of the homemade cleaning products she makes and has refined over time.
While she is a huge fan of Clean Mama, many of these ideas and methods are her own.  

And I have seen her house.
It’s pretty and clean, but a real house.
With a real mama in it, wanting to cut down on all of the plastic that goes to the landfill,
and chemicals around their home.  I have made and tried some of these recipes and today I
am going to share a few of my favorites, and what I did to make them work for me.

What did I speak about?
Oh the usual, thrift store scores, the glories of spray paint, hot glue and why you never
want to overlook a diamond in the rough.
Because it’s ok if it isn’t perfect, and we get the most joy in the making and creating anyways.
The finished product is awesome too, but aren’t we all then looking or dreaming of the next
thing? So I think for most of us, the journey and the highs and fails, and all of the coffee dates
with girlfriends, while trolling thrift stores together, and sharing your favorite Pins, is what
makes it fun.

Anyways, back to these amazing cleaning supply recipes…Y’all are going to love these.
I feel so frugal and like I am really making a difference in my home.
This was after stocking up on cleaning supplies just days before and mentally adding
up what I spent before I learned how to make these. Never again!


The first is Homemade Soft Scrub…

This is the bomb folks.  If you have hard water, soap scum and life taking place in your
home every week, this is your new best friend.  I like LOVE it, can you tell?  Here is the recipe:

Homemade Soft Scrub

This recipe filled up a ketchup bottle that I soaked and washed & removed the label.  If you have
a little left over you can store it in a clean dry jar with a lid too.

  • 2 1/4 cups of baking soda
  • 1 cup of castile soap or free & clean dish washing detergent
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 15 drops of essential oil like tea tree, lavender, lemon or rosemary

I used a funnel to add the ingredients by thirds, and stirred them well with a chopstick so by the
time the bottle was full it just needed a couple good shakes.


The next one that I could not believe was so inexpensive to make was Homemade Fruit and Veggie Wash.
I grew up in apple country, and on a small working farm so I know all about wax and gross stuff on my food.
You will want to store this one in the fridge to keep the lemon juice from spoiling.  I usually pay $5 on a good
day for a much smaller spray bottle than this.  Here is the recipe:

Homemade Fruit and Veggie Wash

I made this and store it in the refrigerator, it fills a large spray bottle.  You can pick them up at just about any
store that carries cleaning supplies, mops etc…I found mine at Dollar Tree.

  • One cup of white vinegar
  • One cup of lemon juice
  • One cup of distilled water

I used a funnel to add all of the ingredients to my spray bottle, added the lid and shook it well.


The third recipe that I had to try smells amazing, and has Tea Tree oil in it which is known for it’s antiseptic
germ killing properties.  Here is how you can make your own Homemade All Purpose Cleaning Solution which
you keep in a spray bottle and can combat all of those nasty cold and flu germs.

Homemade All Purpose Cleaner 

I am loving this one as well, and cannot believe how much I have been spending on all of these different spray
bottles for this type of cleaning, and that type of cleaning.  If it’s a non-porous surface, this stuff is magic!

  • 3/4 cup of white vinegar
  • 3/4 cup of rubbing alcohol or Vodka, rubbing alcohol is WAY cheaper and works great
  • 1 3/4 to 2 cups of water 
  • 30-4o drops of essential oil (lavender, lemon, tea tree, peppermint, rosemary etc…)

I used my funnel to fill all of the ingredients into a spray bottle, added the nozzle lid and gave it a good shake.
All done and ready to be clean!

So what do you do to keep your home feeling sanitized during the cold and flu season, and clean all year?

I love to hear your ideas!!

 homemade cleaning supplies

Thank you so much for reading friend, until next time-

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5 Responses

  1. Tanya – I’m so glad you tried some of the recipes! I scored lavender scented epsom salts for my fabric softener at the Dollar Store the other day, yeah!

  2. Love these!! Ever since my little one came along, I’ve really tried to more “natural” route for cleaning. For now, I’ve just use vinegar and water to clean most everything, but I like your all purpose cleaner better!! Thanks so much for sharing these! 🙂

    1. Hi Amanda!

      I went through the same downsize in cleaning products after my youngest was born. So much expense and unwanted chemicals. Thank you for visiting 🙂


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