Homemade Christmas gifts: EASY earrings & necklaces!

Sometimes it’s the little things.

That are simple, yet meaningful.

Beautiful but not fancy or expensive.

Joyful times and wonderful memories for me have always surrounded the quiet simple moments, and fun memories of doing something together as a family.

With each year that passes I find myself going back to what was most meaningful to me, and two things continually come to mind.

Time, and kindness.

To give the gift of time spent with someone you love, and being kind, showing kindness, and doing so in a thoughtful way.

More than an extravagant gift, or something to “top” what we did last year.

The greatest and most extravagant, undeserved Gift was given in a very humble way.


diy jewelry, make your own jewelry, diy earrings, diy necklaces, homemade gift idea


In humble surroundings that didn’t seem fit for a baby, let alone a King.

No sounding of trumpets or credit cards at their limits.

But a gift of pure love, because we are loved so very much.

Maybe part of what we are to take away from that most meaningful Gift arriving was how we are to live and give.

With humility and kindness.

Sacrificially, giving because we love, not because someone has done something to deserve it.

That is one of the reasons that I love to give handmade gifts.

We can make them with the receiver in mind, and we can feel good about sharing our creativity and love with another person.

It doesn’t take a lot of talent, time or money, it’s from the heart.  And after all the gift wrap is cleaned up and we wave goodbye to loved ones as they go on their way to their next destination with full hearts and bellies, no one ever wishes that they had more stuff.

That time together and expression of love for each other cannot be replaced.

So it’s this time of year that is so hectic and the pace a bit too quick that I like to slow myself down.

And make some things from my heart.

Now, for a super easy DIY gift idea that I hope you will enjoy making as much as I do…


homemade Christmas gift ideas


Last weekend I sat down at our kitchen table for less than an hour and made these two necklaces and three pairs of earrings.

The supplies are simple, needle-nose pliers, earring hooks and pins like you see below.  Leather cord (I like to use 2mm size as it’s strong but not too thick) charms, beads, and the brass round pieces are jump rings for hanging a charm on your leather cord.

Earrings are pretty easy.  I like to collect a group of about 2-3 beads that complement each other and just load them onto the pin.  The bottom of the pin actually looks like a pin head and holds the beads in place.

If the bottom bead has a hole that is too big, then a small bead at the bottom before you put the first bead on will hold them in place.


gift ideas on a budget


You might need to trim down the top of the metal pin to about 1/4 inch, then you just use the needle nosed pliers to make a loop, add the earring hook then close the loop with the pliers.

Guess what? You just made earrings!




Yep, I am right there with you jumping for joy when I see how simple yet beautiful a homemade gift can be.

how to make gifts on a budget


Necklaces with a pendant are CRAZY EASY.  

I feel a little bit like an infomercial when I focus on how easy or fast something is but seriously.  

You can crank out some fabulous handmade jewelry in an evening!



Once you have either added a pre-made pendant or make your own (just like the earring but adding a jump ring to the top then slide onto the cord, tie at the top and you’re done.

To measure I usually stand up and decide about how long I want the necklace to be, add an inch or so for the knot and call it good.



And there you have it, one of my favorite crafts to make and something your loved ones, friends, and co-workers will appreciate so much 🙂

And they are easy to wrap, small but beautiful.

Kind of like the things that really matter huh?


diy jewelry, make your own jewelry, diy earrings, diy necklaces, homemade gift idea


Thank you so much for reading friend, and I can’t wait to share my next DIY Christmas Gift (or any time gift) idea with you if you like to give or receive wonderful smelling lotion bars 🙂  stay tuned!




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