Cozy farmhouse winter mantel (after Christmas)

Hello friends!

We are thawing out here in Washington State after an artic blast brought significant snowfall and a blanket of ice all over Southwest WA where we live.

Peeter the rabbit and our flock off chickens were all safe, and cozy in their heated quarters. Wallace our outdoor cat was also warm and cozy in his heated area on the backside of our house.

We on the other hand tried to stay warm as our furnace fan went out, and the part is a week out from arrival. This is the year I decided I want a generator and a wood stove.

We blessedly did not lose power but would not have had enough wood set aside out back to heat our home with two fireplaces for that many days had the power have gone out. We relied upon our electric fireplace inserts and space heaters. They did amazingly well and I may have sat with the oven door open sipping my coffee just off the kitchen a time or two.

One day during the storm the sun was shining brightly outside, and while it was frigid just beyond my windows, the sun felt wonderful.

It also showcased the evidence that two dogs and five people had been hibernating for days on end and the wood floors could use some attention.

So, after a good old fashioned deep clean, I listened to some music on Alexa and lit a new candle to celebrate my work.

As I snuggled up to catch up on my favorite You Tube subscriptions I looked up to see our mantel. I had not really done anything with it after the Christmas decor came down. She looked lonely.

It was how I am fairly certain I look when I run out of concealer and have not gone thrifting recently. It’s not a good place to be am I right?

Well, she would not spend another January day looking or feeling lonely, it was time to move some stuff around and shop the house.

It’s like going to Home Goods, Goodwill, and Target without going anywhere or spending a dime. This is the kind of decorating I get excited about.

Who doesn’t like FREE? I proceeded to schlep around my house grabbing mirrors and pitchers and dragging them to the front living room.

I left my gilded mirror that was my great grandmother’s, and placed another vintage mirror on it’s side for some visual interest. I swapped out the pitcher that I usually keep on the mantel, and filled it with some faux florals that I had in another room.

The ivory and pale pink might have the teeniest Spring-is-only-a-little-ways-away feel, and a strip of muslin cloth frayed at the edges makes the perfect crumply, casual bow for the handle of the pitcher.

A favorite picture of someone’s sweet, rustic cabin in a very old frame seems to pull it all together. A find from a local antique store some years ago.

My youngest walked by, stopped and told me the mantel looks aesthetic. This is 13 year old speak for pretty, and I agree with her, it does look pretty, or aesthetic, whichever you prefer 🙂

The couch is covered in my favorite damask bedspreads, the soft pillows washed and fluffy, inviting me just to sit and enjoy how something so simple like moving a few of your favorite things around can make you smile.

I am beginning to see that there is actually green grass still under the snow and ice as we begin the great melt of 2024. This also means that there is a small lake in my backyard and the chickens now have a small pond to frolic in albeit unintentionally created by mother nature.

I have some decorating to do for a client this week for her vintage home downtown, a turkey pot pie to make, and a pretty Valentine’s day project to share soon. The kids all went back to school today now that the roads can be navigated again. And while the return of order always feels good, I am going to miss the wet coats and boots lined up in front of the fireplace and sleds leaned up next to the garage. Kids gathered in the kitchen getting warm and making cocoa and discussing how fast each of their sleds were going down the big hill.

It’s all part of winter, and I am intentionally slowing myself down to enjoy this season, and the quiet when I have it to rest and enjoy even the simplest of things like warm tea.

I hope this finds you today enjoying your nest and maybe even moving some stuff around, you never know just how aesthetic it might be when you are done 🙂

Have a blessed, safe, cozy week my friend, until next time!

xx, Tanya

8 Responses

  1. Tanya, what a great compliment from your daughter! I haven’t heard the junior highers saying that at school but I’ll have to mention it. 😉 Your mantel is lovely and really contemporary but vintage at the same time; really love it!! I am happy to feature your post as we publish tomorrow morning for Share Your Style #416. <3

    Have a lovely weekend and I hope your temps have warmed up a bit,
    Barb 🙂

  2. Hi Tanya! Your mantel looks lovely or aesthetic. 🙂 Your snow was our rain and I thought it got cold here, I cannot imagine by you and without heat?! No bueno. Hope it warms up soon. XO- MaryJo

    1. Thank you so much Lynne, it is an honor to be included in such great talent 🙂 forgive my slow reply, hugs xx Tanya

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